Saturday, December 1, 2018

Are you sure you want to delete this file? YES!

They say you shouldn't think too much about the past or have regrets while looking back, but really now, is it a crime to regret something? I think not. Do I regret something? Hell yes, I do. Can I erase this feeling? Well... basically I can't erase the feeling, but I can get rid of the ones who fed my negative state of mind and thus, the feeling will soon be forgotten. Does it sound mean? Probably. Do I care? Not anymore, because they didn't care either while doing so much damage and being aware of it. Sooo... yeah.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Under and Over It

Hello kiddies,

Summer, huh? Well I think this is the first day without rain since... June or something? NOT complaining since I hate the heat, but I'll admit it, it's actually nice to enjoy a sunny day once in a while, especially since my vacation just started and I had a really chillaxing day, representing (the start of) a transformation process, if I may call it so. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Words can't be taken back

When you ask someone about the qualities they appreciate in another person, you'll probably hear sincerity a lot. And that's just great, we all want sincere friends, partners, colleagues in our lives. But let me ask you something... Should there be a limit? When do you draw a line? What if you hurt someone beyond repair with your sincerity? Hmm. What if you mistook selfishness for sincerity...?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Post-rock vibes or how to calm an anxious spirit

Hey guys!

No blog post for the last weekend, because I was out of town, attending the ARTmania Festival in Sibiu and I tried to stay away from the demon named technology (as much as I could, at least). Honestly, I wanted to write about this event, make a review of some sort, but I've changed my mind. I can say I loved every second of it. The shows, the atmosphere, everything was just great. Like every year, I've met dear friends and lovely artists and I'll treasure these memories and add them to the past ones, since this was my 8th time attending this festival (out of 12). 
Looking forward to ARTmania no. 13! 😈

ARTmania crowd, before Tarja, 29th of July

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lost In The Echo

July 20th 2017, 21:40. It was just a regular Thursday night. Was getting a bit sleepy, but I still wanted to watch an episode of something or some cartoons before actually going to bed. So I was just browsing around and since I couldn't make up my mind, I refreshed my Facebook news feed and I felt as if lightning stroke me. Someone was making a really bad joke. I begin to scroll down. Everybody was going nuts, the news was spreading, it began to be posted all over the most read media channels. Pulse rising. This can't be true. No. I've barely just made peace with the fact that Chris Cornell is not with us anymore and now this?! Denial. A feeling of immense emptiness. Scroll. Scroll. Shit. Shit!!! My teenage self was crushed. Shock. My generation is in total shock, I can see it from their posts and I can feel it, I swear. Google. Twitter. It's viral. Acceptance...? My head is spinning. The voice that set me, and millions of other teenagers on this musical path, is no more. I'll never get to experience the so energetic live show that I've had on my wish list for such a long time. I'll never get to sing their songs along with my friends at their show. I'll never gaze my eyes on the human being that I admired so much.