Sunday, July 14, 2013

Late night thoughts

Sometimes I wonder about the changes that could have appeared in my life, if I was as ignorant as most people these days. Honestly, I'm fed up with a lot of you. I keep on hearing this shit with "Ignorance is bliss" and I feel like banging my head on the nearest wall, because nowadays people can't seem to understand this statement. Everybody thinks it's cool to "not give a fuck". Of course, one shouldn't be too sensitive about every little problem in life, but you people really amaze me. Lately (and sadly), I have observed so many negative changes regarding some of my... friends. And it hurts. I have the courage to admit it hurts. Yeah, it's not a weakness, it's a human emotion and instead of acting all mighty and saying "I don't give a fuck", I choose to admit it hurts. Feel free to laugh or to feel superior, at least at the end of the day I will know that I've been honest with myself, unlike you. 

Let me tell you something... You may feel good with yourself for some time, keeping inside everything that is tormenting you and acting like everything is fine and dandy, but trust me, there will come a time when this avalanche is going to get to you and it won't be pretty. I learned this the hard way. 

It is said that communication is the key or the first step to solving every problem. Why don't we act in this manner? Why don't we talk to each other? Why do we choose to shut the door and end the chapter? I know it's tricky, because some really deserve the door shut in their face completely. Maybe a broken nose should also be added here, but only for special cases! Haha! No, I don't encourage violence, just making a little joke. So as I was saying, communication... Really guys, next time someone pisses you off and you just feel like turning your back at him and leave, try to stay and just ask "Why?". There are two possibilities anyway: you can either fix the problem while understanding it and listening to both your confessions or you won't. I am only saying this because I regret not asking "why" at some times. 

Argh, I had so many ideas on this subject and I swear interesting things pop up only when I'm really sleepy or tired. So I'll try to make it short: stop acting like assholes with your friends; listen and try to help those in need, because times may come when you will be in need of such help; God damn it, just be nice when others are being nice to you, seriously... Being 'badass' doesn't mean being a jerk; acting like a cold and evil motherfucker on the Internet doesn't make you a cool person. It only makes you look stupid. Think twice before saying something! Oh, and also replicating your favorite actors' personality, if I can say so, is a real big fail. What the hell is wrong with being yourself? Sometimes I believe there's something so messed up with this world we are living in. 

I've jumped from a subject to another, I know, I know... But I'm sure you'll understand what I've been trying to say here. Man, it's 4 AM. Why the hell am I not asleep?!

Stop pissing me off.

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