Sunday, May 12, 2013

Beauty and the Beat

I gotta say, it took me 5 days to get used to the fact that I had the opportunity to watch such an amazing performance. Everyone asked me right after the show about how it was and so on, but I simply couldn't talk about it; I was still in that breathtaking atmosphere (for quite a while). Really, it was unbelievable. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about; if you missed the show, well... I hope you'll get the chance to see it, at least once. It's not about being a Nightwish fan or a Tarja fan; it's about a great show with such passionate musicians that will make you just float around for 2 hours and forget about everything else.

I really need to say this: Mike is one hell of a showman! That guy made the people from the orchestra turn  towards him and watch him have fun on stage, instead of paying attention to their conductor (no, don't worry, they did great too)! He was like a fish in the sea, the stage was his home. And if we already knew that he's an amazing drummer, this time he also proved that he can sing. This was quite a lovely surprise. And of course, Tarja had to show us something cool too, so she took Mike's place at the drums set and made it clear once again that she's not only talented, but also very ambitious. She made a little joke about the fact that high-heels are not really recommended for drumming and the minutes that followed were simply magic. Frank Sinatra's Fly Me To The Moon began, taking us back to the '60s.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Well this is a bit weird

Some time ago I've told myself that I'd never start a blog, because I could not see its purpose. I mean... I already have a Facebook page, a Twitter page (and I rarely use it) and I just remembered about the MySpace one. I thought I've forgotten the password, but guess what? "Connect with Facebook". Say what?
If I try hard enough I might connect my washing machine with Facebook. Now THAT would be something! Status: "Cristina's washing machine is now in the process of rinsing some awesome black T-shirts!" Cool.
So what I am saying is that I made this blog in order to express some of my feelings/opinions/rants about crazy things that go through my head almost all the time. I'll try to write more about stuff that I like, experiences I had and clearly there will be a lot of action regarding music. Gonna try to make some reviews (albums, concerts etc because I wanna learn to do this the right way) whenever I'll find my damn inspiration! This is a promise to myself... as much as I hate promises. So yeah, music, music, music! Underground bands, underrated writers and photographers... and other things that I'll find interesting and intriguing, because I don't want this blog to go only in the "me, me, me!" direction. 
I have so many things to say right now, but it's all so scrambled in my mind so I'd better stop before I begin to write about silly things and freak you out. I'm not saying I won't freak you out later, but as this is the first post, the presentation post, I'd rather make a good impression. So much fail. But, please, remember I am cute and I have good intentions! Lol. 
Ok, enough with the babbling! Feel free to follow me or.. whatever the hell they call it here (still browsing around with no clue of what I have to do). And let me know if you also have a blog here so I can read your stuff, exchange ideas, become friends and dance on the rainbow! Yeah! /facepalm

Wish me luck!

P.S. If you are wondering what's with the name of the blog...